Saturday, April 02, 2005

Pikinini lik lik

Pikinini lik lik 4.2.2005


I brought the village a new soccer ball and I am glad I did. Previously, they had been using a hollowed out coconut. We played for a while under the hot sun, using sticks in the ground as the goals. The boys looked to pass first, shoot second. Warrants mentioning. I found myself sitting in a group of seven little girls (pikinini meri) yesterday afternoon. The brightest smiles you have ever seen. We sat around and talked for two hours, though we had no idea what the other was talking about. They were fascinated with me and I with them. I took their pictures and they shrieked in delight upon seeing the results. It was the best conversation I have had in a while. And if there is a sweeter sound than children laughing hysterically, I don’t know what it is.


At 10:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wouldn't by chance still have any pictures in your camera from this little village, would you? I would love to see the kids you were playing with...


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